Stuffed Peppers with Couscous

By | December 21, 2023

These stuffed peppers filled with savory couscous and vegetables are a flavorful and satisfying dish. Packed with wholesome ingredients and vibrant flavors, they make a fantastic vegetarian main course or side dish.

Stuffed Peppers with Couscous

Colorful bell peppers stuffed with a delicious mixture of couscous, vegetables, herbs, and spices, creating a nutritious and flavorful dish.
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine international


  • cutting board and knife


  • bell peppers (any color)
  • vegetable broth
  • olive oil
  • small onion
  • garlic
  • small zucchini
  • yellow squash
  • tomato
  • parsley
  • ground cumin
  • paprika
  • salt and pepper
  • couscous


  • Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C). Cut the tops off the bell peppers and remove the seeds and membranes from inside. Rinse the peppers and set them aside.
  • In a saucepan, bring the vegetable or chicken broth (or water) to a boil. Stir in the couscous, cover the saucepan, and remove it from the heat. Let it sit covered for about 5 minutes until the liquid is absorbed. Fluff the couscous with a fork and set it aside.
  • Heat olive oil in a skillet over medium heat. Add the finely chopped onion and minced garlic. Sauté for 2-3 minutes until fragrant.Add the diced zucchini and yellow squash to the skillet. Cook for 3-4 minutes until the vegetables start to soften.
  • Stir in the diced tomato, ground cumin, paprika, salt, and pepper. Cook for an additional 2-3 minutes. Remove the skillet from heat.
  • In a large mixing bowl, combine the cooked couscous with the sautéed vegetable mixture. Add the chopped fresh parsley and mix well.
  • Spoon the couscous and vegetable mixture evenly into the prepared bell peppers.
  • Place the stuffed peppers in a baking dish. If desired, sprinkle shredded mozzarella or crumbled feta cheese on top of the stuffed peppers.
  • Bake in the preheated oven for 20-25 minutes or until the peppers are tender and the filling is heated through.
  • Once done, remove the stuffed peppers from the oven. Garnish with fresh basil or parsley leaves if desired before serving.



  • Customize the filling by adding other vegetables, such as mushrooms, corn, or spinach, based on personal preferences.
  • Ensure the couscous is fully cooked and the vegetables are tender before stuffing the peppers.
  • Leftover stuffed peppers can be stored in the refrigerator for a couple of days and reheated in the oven or microwave.
Enjoy these delicious Stuffed Peppers with Couscous as a flavorful and nutritious meal!


Serving: 600g
Keyword stuffed peppers with couscous
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