Easy jacket potato recipe

By | September 10, 2023

Savor the comforting warmth of a classic jacket potato, a beloved British staple that effortlessly marries simplicity with satisfying flavors. This recipe transforms humble russet potatoes into crispy-skinned, fluffy-centered delights, inviting you to explore a world of delicious toppings and customizations. Whether crowned with creamy sour cream, melted cheese, or a medley of savory fillings, these jacket potatoes promise a hearty, soul-warming meal that transcends the ordinary.

Easy jacket potato recipe

A jacket potato, often referred to as a baked potato, is a popular dish made from a whole potato that is baked until the skin becomes crispy and the inside turns soft and fluffy. It's a versatile and comforting meal that can be enjoyed on its own or with a variety of toppings and fillings, such as butter, sour cream, cheese, bacon, chili, or vegetables. Jacket potatoes are a beloved staple in British cuisine and are often served as a satisfying and customizable comfort food.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour 25 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 30 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine south african


  • 4 large russet potatoes

  • Olive oil

  • Salt

  • Toppings of your choice (e.g., butter, sour cream, grated cheese, chives, bacon bits)


  • Preheat your oven to 200°C (400°F).
  • Wash and scrub the potatoes thoroughly to remove any dirt. Pat them dry with a paper towel.
  • Prick each potato several times with a fork. This allows steam to escape during baking and prevents them from bursting.
  • Rub each potato with a little olive oil and sprinkle with salt. This helps create a crispy skin.
  • Place the potatoes directly on the oven rack or on a baking sheet. Bake for about 1 to 1.5 hours, or until the skin is crispy, and a fork easily pierces the potato's center.
  • Once baked, carefully remove the potatoes from the oven. Make a deep cross-cut on the top of each potato.
  • Use a fork to fluff up the potato's flesh inside, creating a fluffy texture.
  • Add your desired toppings, such as butter, sour cream, grated cheese, chives, or any other favorite ingredients.
  • Serve your jacket potatoes hot, and enjoy!



An important thing to note when making jacket potatoes is to ensure you prick the potatoes with a fork before baking. This step is crucial to prevent the potatoes from bursting in the oven as they cook. Pricking the potatoes allows steam to escape, preventing pressure buildup inside the potato. Failure to do so may result in a messy and potentially dangerous situation. So, be sure to take a moment to thoroughly prick each potato before baking to ensure a safe and successful jacket potato recipe.


Serving: 75g
Keyword Jacket potato
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