How to make clove powder

By | July 26, 2023

“Spice up your culinary adventures with a dash of exotic flavor! If you’ve ever been intrigued by the enchanting aroma and taste of cloves, then get ready to embark on a delightful journey into the world of clove powder. In just a few simple steps, you’ll be able to unlock the secret to creating this aromatic and versatile spice that will add a pinch of magic to your dishes. So, let’s dive in and discover the easy and rewarding art of making your very own clove powder right in the comfort of your kitchen!”

How to make clove powder

Clove powder is a finely ground spice made from dried cloves, the aromatic flower buds of the clove tree (Syzygium aromaticum). Cloves are native to Indonesia but are now grown in various tropical regions around the world. These dried flower buds have a strong, sweet, and aromatic flavor with a hint of spiciness, making them a popular addition to both sweet and savory dishes.
To create clove powder, whole dried cloves are ground into a fine consistency using a spice grinder or mortar and pestle. This process releases the essential oils trapped within the cloves, intensifying their flavor and aroma. The resulting powder is a versatile spice that can be easily incorporated into a wide range of recipes, such as desserts, beverages, curries, stews, and marinades.
Clove powder is not only prized for its delightful taste but also for its potential health benefits. Cloves are known for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and they contain essential nutrients like manganese, vitamin K, and fiber. However, like many spices, it's essential to use clove powder in moderation to avoid overpowering the dish.
In summary, clove powder is a ground spice derived from dried cloves, offering a distinct and enchanting flavor profile that enhances the culinary experience in various cuisines around the globe.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Course Spices
Cuisine african


  • Spice grinder or mortar and pestle


  • Whole dried cloves


  • *Select Quality Cloves:* Start by choosing high-quality whole dried cloves. Look for cloves that are aromatic, plump, and free from any signs of mold or moisture.
  • *Measure the Amount:* Decide how much clove powder you want to make. It's a good idea to start with a small batch if you're making it for the first time.
  • *Preparation:* Before grinding, ensure that the cloves are dry and do not contain any stems. Remove any debris or impurities from the cloves.
  • *Grinding Method:*
    - *Using a Spice Grinder:* If you have an electric spice grinder, this is the easiest method. Add the dried cloves to the grinder's bowl, making sure not to overfill it. Pulse or grind the cloves until you achieve a fine powder consistency. Avoid overgrinding, as it may release too much oil from the cloves, resulting in a clumpy powder.
    - *Using a Mortar and Pestle:* If you prefer a more traditional approach, a mortar and pestle will do the job. Place a small number of cloves in the mortar and crush them using the pestle in a circular motion. Continue until you obtain a smooth powder. Repeat this process with the remaining cloves.
  • *Sifting (Optional):* For an even finer powder, you can sift the ground cloves through a fine-mesh sieve. This step helps remove any remaining larger pieces and ensures a consistent texture.
  • *Storage:* Once you have your clove powder ready, transfer it to an airtight container, such as a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid. Store the container in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Properly stored, the clove powder should retain its flavor and potency for several months.
  • *Usage:* Now that you have your homemade clove powder, feel free to use it in your favorite recipes! It goes well with desserts, such as apple pies and gingerbread cookies, as well as in savory dishes like stews, marinades, and spice rubs for meats.
    Remember that homemade spices, including clove powder, are often more potent and flavorful than store-bought ones. Adjust the quantity to your taste preferences and enjoy the rich aroma and taste of freshly ground cloves in your culinary creations!



When making clove powder at home, there are a few important things to keep in mind to ensure the best results:
1. *Quality of Cloves:* Use high-quality whole dried cloves for making clove powder. Look for cloves that are fresh, aromatic, and free from any signs of mold, moisture, or impurities. The quality of the cloves directly impacts the flavor and aroma of the resulting powder.
2. *Grinding Consistency:* Pay attention to the grinding process to achieve the right consistency. Whether using a spice grinder or mortar and pestle, avoid overgrinding the cloves, as this can release too much oil from the cloves and result in a clumpy powder. Aim for a fine, smooth texture for the best culinary experience.
3. *Storage:* Properly store the clove powder in an airtight container in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Exposure to air, light, and moisture can lead to flavor loss and reduced potency over time. If stored correctly, homemade clove powder can retain its freshness and aroma for several months, enhancing your dishes with its delightful flavor.


Serving: 50g
Keyword Clove powder
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