Homemade Glucose Syrup Recipe

By | July 22, 2023

Indulge in the art of creating your very own golden elixir with this simple and delightful glucose syrup recipe. Often used as a sweetener in various culinary delights, glucose syrup adds a touch of sweetness and smoothness to candies, desserts, and baked goods. By crafting your homemade glucose syrup, you have the freedom to customize the sweetness level and ensure a pure, preservative-free sweetener for your culinary creations.

Glucose Syrup Recipe

This homemade glucose syrup recipe empowers you to create a versatile and delightful sweetener for your favorite dishes. Whether you're making candies, desserts, or baked goods, this golden nectar of sweetness will elevate the flavors and add a luscious touch to your culinary endeavors.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Course Additive, sweetner
Cuisine American


  • sauce pan
  • whisk
  • stiring spoon


  • granulated sugar
  • water
  • lemon juice


  • In a saucepan, combine the granulated sugar and water.
  • Heat the mixture over medium heat, stirring continuously until the sugar dissolves completely.
  • If using lemon juice, add it to the mixture and stir well.
  • Allow the mixture to come to a boil without stirring. Once it starts boiling, reduce the heat to low and let it simmer for about 5-7 minutes.
  • Keep a close eye on the syrup. It should thicken slightly, reaching a consistency similar to that of corn syrup.
  • To test the readiness of the syrup, dip a spoon into the mixture and lift it. The syrup should form a thin, continuous stream, known as the "thread" stage.
  • Once the desired consistency is achieved, remove the saucepan from the heat.Let the glucose syrup cool down to room temperature before transferring it to an airtight container for storage.
  • Your homemade glucose syrup is now ready to sweeten your culinary creations, adding a touch of decadence and smoothness to every dish.



Glucose syrup is a versatile sweetener widely used in the culinary world. By making your own glucose syrup, you can control the sweetness level and ensure a pure and natural sweetener for your recipes.
Store the glucose syrup in an airtight container at room temperature. It should keep well for several weeks, ready to elevate the flavors of your favorite candies, desserts, and baked goods.
So, embrace the art of sweetening and let the golden allure of homemade glucose syrup infuse your kitchen with delightful flavors and countless possibilities


Serving: 500g
Keyword glucose syrup
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